Saturday, April 4, 2009

Its a Nano world !!

To maintain the continuum I decided to keep posting once in a while and if you're regular with your blogs you have to be aware with what your friends bloggers around are coming up with. Lately I have been quite out of touch with whats really going on in the blogosphere..whats hot & whats not. I didn't have the vaguest of idea. But now I'm gladly back to this blogosphere and its really great to know whats going around by the means of blogs. Getting a picture about an issue from all the various perspectives is different from a biased view from a rather well known source. The best part is one can have an own opinion.. his own say about something in which he begs to differ.
For that Blogs are a blessing.
Anyways I'll discuss at length sometime later about what blogging can actually help us achieve. I was to talk about something else.

TATA Nano touted as the world's cheapest car has hit the tarmac defying all the odds against it. I still remember when Ratan Tata talked about his dream of making a car for the masses which will be cheaper than the rest and better than the two wheelers in a sense that it'll be having a roof, doors and space for at most five people to sit. I saw this compassionate side of Ratan tata who cared for the public..who genuinely felt sorry for the families riding on a two-wheeler quite unsafely with their kids sitting on the vehicle's petrol tank and another on the mother's lap behind. But a lower middle class family has not much options when it has to commute with the whole family and which has just a two-wheeler for its traveling needs as for most of them getting a car is quite out of reach.

It was this sight of families traveling on two wheelers that made Tata announce that it will launch the Rs. 1 lakh car..the cheapest car in the world. But this idea wasn't received well by many automobile giants and they forthrightly declared that it was never going to happen with the ever rising prices. Similarly few automobile conglomerates claimed that there's quite a possibility that it will never be able to reach the market. Many thought it wont really be a car if at all it manages to come true..may be it will look like an auto with no doors clothed with some kinda synthetic material. The people who desperately wanted it to come true also seemed unconvinced and skeptical about its possibility.

This was just the beginning, and though the idea was a noble one perceived by a humanitarian industrialist it was looked down upon by many.

A promise had been made to the masses and the work had already been started to fulfill it. In each step it faced hurdles. The steel prices shoot up sky high meanwhile and then that 'Singur' issue which took such an ugly turn after being politicized in the name of safeguarding the public rights which forced the Tatas to move from Bengal to Gujarat. Anybody didn't think about the employment opportunities which would have generated out of Nano's production plant there..? Anyways that's passe.

Finally the dream has been realized,.the promise fulfilled and the car has been launched and has already hit the roads. And NO it doesn't look cheap by any means. No body can say looking at it that its a one lakh rupee car. It looks cool..accommodates 4 people comfortably, is decently powerful, fun to drive in the bustling traffic with an incredible fuel efficiency.

Tata Nano Deluxe

Nano is the answer to all the questions that had been raised for its existence. It is a proper car in contrast to all the speculations and its worth the wait.
Its the ingenuity of the Indians that helped it turn into a reality and the whole world is in awe with the final product called TATA Nano.

But as always criticism comes packed with any innovation and Nano is no different and it has been bombarded with questions from the fanatic environmentalists from the Western countries who are too much concerned with the Global warming which is very honestly their gift in a way. Those Green goblins are neglecting the fact that every developing country has the right to utilize its resources for its masses and it isn't bad at all if someone cares for the people who can't afford to have a car for his family. Its not that for a family of four-five every member will be having his own nano considering the target customers, unlike the westerners who for that matter have their own car for every individual in the family thus contributing to the carbon contents in the atmosphere in a more hazardous way than nano could ever do. Its emission is even lesser than a common motor-bike in the country. Surely no questions should be raised on it being a environmental vehicle.

Environmental campaigners have also warned that the car will add further pressure on India's road infrastructure which already struggles to cope with existing traffic. But does that mean a common man shouldn't be allowed to have a car of his own as it is a car which every one can afford to have..? Is this really a solution for the congested traffic ? How about constructing more & more flyovers and by-passes and widening the roads wherever possible..? Criticizing a product just because its cheap and affordable & meant for the masses is surely not good by any means.

As of now everybody ought to just accept the ingenuity with which the Nano has been developed. Its a dream come true for its would-be owners who have waited half their lives to drive a car they can proudly call their 'own'.

In a westerner's own words "The arrogance of western society is amazing. We have no comprehensive strategy to deal with our own environmental morass, yet we are instantly ready to obsess about the theoretical environmental impact of India's newest economy car. The list of things WE need to do in our own countries is staggering and the will to take action to resolve our own concerns is nonexistent. Don't we have better things to do than harass Tata? Most of you voted for change; now start putting solar panels on your house!"


  1. Good to c you back, young man.
    I came to Hyd 3 weeks back, but you were nowhere to be seen :D

  2. Left STC longtime back..
    Came to know about your bold action.. Even I'm sick of this job..I'm not even going to office since long.
    I would love to know how did you persuade the HR guys who let you go without the bond being broken..!!
