But this visit was of such a short period that I at once was feeling I better shouldn't have come at all. That was something which nobody had expected. I was feeling it would be more of a formal sojourn. Very much like a political leader's hasty visit to such places done just for media attention. People were evidently not happy with that..and why wouldn't they be, they were there with a purpose - taking their time out to spend a weekend with those unfortunate kids.
I was amazed & delighted at the same time by the no. of folks turning up to go there..it will be so great if everybody continues to show the same eagerness ever n always to lend a helping hand to the needy.
I'd like to make it clear that its no somber recount of my experiences from this brief visit..neither its any usual dismal condemnation of the society and system. Its just my attempt to glance the things with a positive perspective, a revitalizing way rather than my habitual cribbing at the system..enough of that hogwash. Contemplation makes life miserable..we should act more, think less, n stop watching ourselves live. I needed to look at the positives of the life. I feel acknowledging the commendable work those benign men & women are doing in that orphanage is one of the aspects we always miss out. Its no easy job to handle those many kids who are without their parents & that too when many are just few weeks old, but they were doing their job with so much of dedication and devotion that was truly laudable to say the least.
It was quite touching when one of the toddlers held my finger & wasn't willing to leave it when I reached out to caress its cheeks..one beside was too happy with our presence n was smiling continuously in its cradle as we looked on..it brought smiles on the faces of everybody around. Most of the kids there were below 5 years of age or around that..some among them were even few weeks old. It was all so good to see so many infants sleeping, smiling, giggling in their cradles. :-)
In the next room there were kids playing..just 2-3 years old. As we entered there was a kinda apprehension visible in the children's faces but it went off as soon as we greeted them with a smile & we were fairly reciprocated with their sweet smiles.The happiness in them was worth watching while I was giving away chocolates to them..I was in fact feeling like a Santa Claus without a beard & his red cloak surrounded by those little kids.[;)]
It was amusing to see one of the kids hiding her share of chocolate very smartly behind her and asking for it again & again. I gave few more to that little gal & said to myself.."oh..look at her..how cunning this kid is..". But soon I realized I was wrong..she wasn't collecting those for herself..she gave away those extras to two kids who didn't get any. It was so moving..Children are so much innocent, far from any malignant feelings for others..they really have the purest of hearts.
There were mentally challenged children in another room..it was so pathetic just to see them. We were told that some of these children can not perform the simplest of tasks that we all seem to take for granted like sitting or walking straight or even eating.
The orphanage staffs there I must acknowledge were doing a commendable job for its quite evident that a great amount of patience and tolerance is required to supervise and handle such children.
This visit got over in no time ,n I wasn't feeling like going anywhere else. So I came back to our bus which was there to drop us back to our dorms. Those high spirits of the morning had taken a different shape by then..may be taken over by a mixed feeling of anguish and empathy.

Babies are angels that fly to the Earth,
their wings disappear at the time of their birth,
one look in their eyes and we're never the same.
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